Get going, keep growing

Bicep Routine


Ah Biceps, I think I've always wanted nice arms! Maybe, longer than I've wanted abs- Probably because as a lanky track runner- abs were a given. Here's the secret to my current success. P.S. Hammer Curls are BAE!


Curls-Cross Body Hammer

4 SETS- Number of reps determined by your goals.

This is one of my favorite variations of the curl. I like this variation because its primary isolation is the bicep with secondary isolation of the forearm. By targeting both parts of the arm this variation helps to build thicker arms. To perform this variation: select an appropriately weighted set of dumbbells. Starting with the left arm slowly curl the dumbbell across your torso toward the right shoulder, slowly return the dumbbell back to your side, then repeat this movement with the other arm.


4 SETS- Number of reps determined by your goals.

You can do this with a straight bar or EZ Bar (pictured). To carry out this exercise weight your barbell according to your strength/goal number of reps you’d like to do. Standing with your barbell the palms of your hands should be facing forward, elbows close to your torso. Begin contraction of your bicep while exhaling- Focus on only moving your forearms. The contraction should complete at shoulder height. Hold. Exhale and lower back to starting position. Repeat.


4 SETS- Number of reps determined by your goals.

Start with weights at your side, arms fully extended, gripping the weights with your palms facing downward. Alternating sides contract your biceps. Only your forearm should move- continue the movement until the wights are at shoulder height and your bicep is fully contracted- hold for a second. Then exhale as you return to the starting position.

Chin ups-Close grip

4 SETS- Number of reps determined by your goals.

There are 3 variations you can decide upon based on your skill level. If you have an assist machine at your disposal- start there, this will allow you to ease into this exercise. Start at an assistance level that still challenges you. Once comfortable, you can work up to your body weight and beyond. To add weight I use a belt and Kettlebells. Don’t jump to adding an extreme amount, give yourself intervals to grow into. Maintain form and avoid injury.

Understanding Your Number of Reps


1-6 REPS


8-12 REPS


15+ Reps

Curls-Bicep (Cable or Machine)

4 SETS- Number of reps determined by your goals.

Using a single hand attachment for cables (pictured) or a similar machine- position yourself so that the resistance is slightly pulling back on your arm. This is the starting position, from here exhale, draw the weight up until you feel your bicep at full contraction. Pause- Remember to keep your shoulder stationary your elbow tucked to your side and your wrist in neutral position. Return to the starting position as you inhale. Repeat.